RMS - Reliability Ready Program

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RMS - Reliability Ready Program

» Look for the Reliability Ready Label on Deltas and our Partners Part, Repair and Equipment Shipments.

» Follow the Simple RMS Activation Steps

» Access All You Need to Get on the Path to Best in Class(BIC) Equipment Reliability and Operating Performance...

» And Obtain Extended Warranty Coverage

BIC performance is now available at any point in your equipment's lifecycle… from commissioning thru to retirement... For New Equipment, for its Entire Lifecycle!

Get Started Today, Simply Follow the Instructions on the Label:

Look for the Reliability Ready Tag or Sticker… Its Your Pass to BIC Reliability and Performance!

If you don’t see the label, ask your supplier for Reliability Ready for all your incoming shipments.

» Use the QR code or visit the Apple store at https://appsto.re/us/OGw5X.i and download the RMS Snapshot App


» Log into Snapshot using your Co. Name, User Name & PW

» At the time of the Part or Equipment Installation, Activate RMS by entering your plant equipment's position # and either:
          » Take a few photos
          » Enter the Code & Ref# shown on the Label

All Info is then Automatically Uploaded to Your RMS Dashboard!

In fact, you don’t have to wait to see a Label, you can Get Started Today and Make All the Equipment in Your Plant Reliability Ready!

Get Started Today, Get the Most Out of Your Equipment and Save Money!

Contact Your Distributor or Delta to Learn More.

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RMS Plant Dashboard Shown After Snapshot App Upload

» Click on the Link shown to view the Equipment Registration video.